Fresh Aire特色图片


经证实,新鲜空气中的紫外线可以杀死99%的霉菌, 细菌, 病毒, 和约翰·摩尔的《时时彩手机挂机软件教程》

Using Ultraviolet Light 和 Activated Carbon Cells, The Fresh-Aire UV System Can Safely & 有效消毒休斯顿家中的空气


享受舒适 & 全屋空气净化,让您安心

约翰•摩尔’s Fresh-Aire UV systems are installed directly into your central air system so that it can purify the air that is circulated around your home. Combining UV-C (ultraviolet C) light with activated carbon cells, the Fresh-Aire UV systems 有效杀死99%的病毒、过敏原、霉菌和细菌

Activated carbon is great at removing toxins from your home because of its porous structure. 碳的孔隙在捕获污染物方面很出色, which is  why activated carbon filters are commonly used for water purification, 空气净化, 工业气体处理. By using activated carbon cells along with the neutralizing power of UV light, 你家里的空气将是有史以来最干净的.


Adding a UV-C whole-home air purifier to the HVAC system of your Houston home will not only keep the air in your home odorless, 但是它也会 去除空气中的污染物随着空气的循环. It has been 证明 by scientists 和 researchers for many years now that certain light frequencies can work as a disinfectant against microbes (microorganisms, 细菌, 等.). 当微生物暴露在紫外线下时, it disrupts their DNA 和 prevents them from reproducing (spreading) 和 effectively kills them.


约翰•摩尔’s Fresh-Aire UV Whole-House Air Purifier is capable of removing 99.99% of mold, 细菌, viruses, 和 allergens from the air of your Houston home. We know how rough allergy season in Houston can be, even within the home. 你不应该忍受眼睛发痒, 的鼻子, 和 all the discomfort that comes from pollen allergies in Houston. And in addition to providing you 和 your family with solace from allergens, our whole home air purifier can also provide some protection from viruses, 包括COVID-19.

Houstonians always pull through 和 work together in times of uncertainty. Wearing masks, socially distancing, 和 sanitizing our h和s has become a part of our new norm. If you’re sanitizing your h和s, consider sanitizing your air, too!

约翰•摩尔 has worked with our suppliers to find a solution in preventing the spread of COVID-19 within Houston homes. 最近的一项研究 创新生物分析法 has 证明 remarkable success in effectively removing the virus from buildings 和 homes. According to their research, the Fresh-Aire UV “inactivates >99.99%的SARS-CoV-2在0-2秒内消失!”.

紫外线 空气净化 systems are so effective that they have become the st和ard for most hospitals, 实验室, 和 food service industries to prevent the spread of airborne infectious diseases.


Adding a UV-C whole-home air purifier to the HVAC system of your Houston home will not only keep the air in your home odorless, 但是它也会 去除空气中的污染物随着空气的循环. It has been 证明 by scientists 和 researchers for many years now that certain light frequencies can work as a disinfectant against microbes (microorganisms, 细菌, 等.). 当微生物暴露在紫外线下时, it disrupts their DNA 和 prevents them from reproducing (spreading) 和 effectively kills them.


最近,创新生物分析公司的一项研究表明 证明 that Fresh-Aire UV devices can safely rid home’s 和 buildings of airborne 和 surface-borne Coronavirus particles. 测试, SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization by Germicidal UV Light System from Fresh-Aire UV, gave customers the validation that they can feel safe from COVID-19 in their homes.


在研究中, researchers from 创新生物分析法 exposed SARS-CoV-2 particles to residential 和 commercial test spaces, 和 used the Fresh-Aire UV system to learn how much of the virus could be neutralized within these different enclosed areas. Once the virus was exposed to the UV-C light 和 activated carbon cells from the Fresh-Aire UV-C device, 超过99.99%的病毒在0到2秒内就灭活了!

Installing a Fresh-Aire UV-C whole home air purifier is a huge step forward in keeping your Houston home allergen 和 传染 this year. 通过选择安装Fresh-Aire UV, 你将不仅受益于你的家, 还有你和你家人的健康. 因为Fresh-Aire使用的是活性炭细胞, 你的系统基本上会定期自我清洁, 这对你来说意味着更少的维护. 一旦安装好,你的家就 加热和冷却系统 will continue to circulate as normal, but with UV-C technology fighting away 99.99% of the allergens, germs, 和 viruses that make their way into your home.

At 约翰•摩尔安全、满意是我们的首要任务. 我们想让你的生活无忧无虑,无过敏原, 传染. Are you ready to purify the air in your home from allergens, viruses, mold, 和 germs? 联系约翰·摩尔 今天或打时时彩手机挂机软件教程话给我们 713-730-2525 让你的家人得到应有的安慰和安宁.


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Whether you need repairs right away or simply want to avoid costly problems down the road, 约翰·摩尔服务 LLC is ready to take care of your needs. Our service technicians have the training 和 tools necessary to get the job done right the first time.





室内空气质量 & 管道清洗



•消除宠物 & 家庭的气味

50美元的Nisus DSV治疗

专门为防止污染而配制的, 并消除现有的病毒和细菌, 包括冠状病毒.


(877) 730-2525

这不能把他们挡在外面. Regular cleaning 和 disinfecting by home owner is required. 适用于初始治疗. 每户限一个. 可能会有一些限制. 不能合并报价. 12/31/2020到期.



Cleans the air by combining UVC light 和 activated carbon – two technologies 证明 to kill germs 和 clean the air.


(877) 730-2525

*This purifier is installed directly into the central air system, so the air is purified 和 circulated throughout the whole home. 每户限一个. 可能会有一些限制. 不能合并报价. 12/31/2024到期.



Save $20 on your next AC service or repair with any work over $100.


(877) 730-2525

*每户限一个. 可能会有一些限制. 不能合并报价. 12/31/2024到期.



Save $100 on attic insulation with minumum R-19 和 2,000 sq. ft.


(877) 730-2525

*每户限一个. 可能会有一些限制. 不能合并报价. 12/31/2024到期.



FREE UV light with purchase of complete new 16-SEER AC system.



(877) 730-2525

*每户限一个. 可能会有一些限制. 不能合并报价. 必须在购买时出示吗. 12/31/2024到期.

